
[Eng Trans]121009 恋セヨ❤ソウルMAP (koiseyo❤Seoul MAP )


*Not 100% correct. If you have any question you can leave a message or ask me on twitter (@WUK_LOVEFOREVER)

Translate:jklovewindsandukiss @tumblr
(Special thanks Qily for helping me to translated.)
Viseo Source:holomua kamanao @youtube


MC:We are now at the restaurant that U-KISS recommended.
    There is Samgyeopssal(삼겹살)!

Kevin:I like it!
MC:Usually who will come together to this restaurant to eat?
Soohyun:Our members & Manager.
[※Great relationship]

(Skip the part they talking about the dishes XD)

MC:Lately, You guys held your first Budokan Concert... [applause]
    The performances are much better than before! (I'm not sure... OTL)

Soohyun:I feel like crying at the beginning. I try to hold it back, but when I was doing my solo part, singing EXILE's song, I still cried at last .
MC:And you are living together...
Soohyun:Yes, in Japan.
MC:Only in Japan? What about in Korea?
Soohyun:We don't live together in Korea.
MC:Got it! You guys live sepatately in Korea and live together in Japan. How do you guys feel about living together?
Soohyun:Everyone is together. We cook together, eat together.
MC:Since you're live together, there should be something (or some member's behaviour) that you want them to change.

[The thing that Eli want Soohyun to change]

Eli:I want to talk to Soohyun... Because Soohyun and I shared a closet. I'm using left part of closet, and he uses right part. But Soohyun always put his clothes on my part of the closet and stacked his clothes above mine...
Soohyun:We are brother, aren't we?!
Soohyun:If Eli do this (stacking his clothes on mine) I feel OK! Because we are brothers!
Eli:But Soohyun's shirts...
MC:You can be tolerant to him because you guys are brothers, right?
Eli:Hmm.. Yes, it's OK...


[Next, The things Hoon want Soohyun to change]

Hoon:I hope our best leader Soohyun to change one of his behaviour.
[The best  ► Leader?!]

Hoon:Soohyun stare at my underpants everyday and ask:"Isn't this my underpants?!" He said that everyday.
[watching underpants everyday]
     I'm very sure that're mine. What I'm wearing on are my underpants. But Soohyun keep saying "Isn't this my underpants?!" EVERYDAY.

Soohyun:I'm a greedy man.
[greedy man]

Kevin:Don't you have your own underpants?
Soohyun:Yes, I do have my own underpants! Hoon ah... His butt seems very nice when he is wearing that kind of underpants...
MC:Looks good...?
Soohyun:Make me think that (Hoon's butt) "Looks good..." I want that underpants. So I always think "Isn't this my underpants".
MC:Have you been wearing Hoon's underpants secretly?
Hoon:Yes he did! I saw that! [eyewitness Hoon]
MC:Soohyun even didn't say anything...
Kiseop:You saw that?
Hoon:Yes I saw that! Because there are cartoon printed characters on my underpants. Those underpants are mine, and when I suddenly see that Soohyun wearing them, I really got shocked!
MC:So you don't wear other members' underpants, only Hoon's...?
Kiseop:Ah! Because Hoon's underpants has cartoon printed characters, so...
Kevin:They (Hoon's underpants) are very cute.
Kiseop:Yes, thet are cute.
[※Hoon wear cute underpants.]

Soohyun:All my underpants are like ajusshi style...
[※Soohyun wear ajusshi style underpants]

MC:Stop! You are an idol! Stop saying this!


(Skip what narrator say)

MC:What kind of food have you eaten in Japan...?
Soohyun:In Japan... I like Jingiskan. We ate it in Sapporo.
MC:Jingiskan! Sapporo!
Soohyun:Yes!Jingiskan. Winter... Let's go to Sapporo in winter!
Soohyun:For shooting! Can we? Deal?
Staff:If Jeju Island...
Kevin:Jeju Island is OK.
Kiseop:Anywhere is OK.

MC:Where were everyone born? Kevin was born in America, right?
Kevin:America. San Francisco.
MC:San Francisco~ Can you greet in English!

[Kevin's Engish greeting]

Keivn:Hello, everyone.I'm Kevin from U-KISS. I'm from San Francisco. And I'm a part of U-KISS. And we are eating Samgyeopssal.So hope you guys enjoy our show. Thank you.
Soohyun:I can omly understand Samgyeopssal.
MC:Me, too.
Soohyun: Same.

[Eli's Chinese greeting]

Eli:uh... Hi, everyone. I'm Eli from U-KISS. I hope you guys can support our new... uh... Music... uh... Stop Girl... uh... Thank you so much.
Soohyun:I can only understand Xie Xie (Thank you).
MC:Me,too. And the last but not least, Hoon, Please greet in Thai.

[The last is Hoon's Thai greeting]

Hoon:Thank you... uh... Hello... uh... everyone... *&^%$@#$^%&...Thank you.

[Message to the fans]

Soohyun:Our new Japanese single will be releasing!
Kevin:It will be a great song!
Soohyun:Yes. This song will show U-KISS' romantic side.
Kevin:There will be some winter feeling.
Soohyun:Yes the winter.Please look forward to it!
Kevin:And, DORADORA & Believe Japanese lisense version are released. And also the 4th single One of You is now on sale! Please support!


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